
Getting Started with Django

Django is an open-source, high-level and free Web framework created using Python. It follows the Model View Template(MVT) architectural pattern. In this tutorial you’ll learn to setup a Django 2.2 project from scratch.

Why Django?

Django is one of the best framework available today. It acts as a quick solution for web development and delivers high-quality code with better security. Django takes it very seriously and helps to avoid SQL injection, cross-site scripting etc. Let’s look at some of the core features in Django

  1. Faster : It’s considered to be one of the fastest framework built by python language.It encourages rapid development with a clean and pragmatic design.
  2. More Packages : Django comes with many components that helps to develop faster and easier.No need of downloading any components separately as Django installs all the extras, packages and the related dependencies.
  3. Versatile : Django is used to develop all sorts of applications – from basic development to complex development. Therefore, Django is extremely versatile in all fields.
  4. Secure : Django is as secure as any web framework can be. It provides tools to prevent common mistakes causing security problems.
Installing Django


Make sure you have installed Python in your PC. Click onΒ Install PythonΒ If you haven’t installed Python on your PC/ Mac.

Type the following command at your terminal to install Django on your PC/ Mac

pip install Django==2.2
Starting a new Django application

Now that we have completed the basic setup, to start Django application. Let’s start the Project.

django-admin startproject sampleProject

After initiating the project. Type the following command to get into the project directory

cd sampleProject

After creating the project, you will find a list of files inside the project directory as below.

|-- sampleProject
|   |--
|   |-- sampleProject
|   |   |
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  1. : Init just tells the python that this is to be treated like a python package.
  2. : Manages all the settings of your project.
  3. : The main controller which maps it to the website.
  4. : Serves as an entry point for WSGI compatible web servers.
|-- sampleProject
|   |--
|   |-- sampleProject
|   |-- app
|   |   |--migrations
|   |   |  |
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Type the following command at your terminal to create the list of files inside the app as shown above.

python startapp app
Code language: CSS (css)

Now add the following code to the file which will return a httpResponse


from django.http import HttpResponse
def index(request):
 return HttpResponse("<h1 st
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

To map the view with the URL, add the following code in


from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from app.views import index

urlpatterns = [
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Now It’s time to run the application, To start the server simply type the command show below at your terminal.

python runserver
Code language: CSS (css)

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