Posts containing the tag   #programming

Simple PHP Page Router

This is a simple yet basic PHP routing application created to direct all request to index.php and route the files to it’s relevant paths.

  • 5 years ago

React Native Vs Flutter : Comparison

React Native and Flutter has become one of the most trending technologies for Mobile Application Development in 2019. Both the technologies are built by leading tech giants.

  • 5 years ago

Scheduling Tasks with Cron Job in Laravel 5.8

Cron Job is used to schedule tasks that will be executed every so often. Crontab is a file that contains a list of scripts, By editing the Crontab, You can run the scripts periodically.

  • 5 years ago

Convert PHP Array To JSON : Examples

This tutorial focuses on converting PHP Array to JSON. It is used to read data from the server and display it to the Web. JSON is a text format , and We can convert any JS Object into a JSON format.

  • 5 years ago