Posts containing the tag #programming
Sanitize and Create URLs via Laravel command
Clean, legible URLs are essential for modern web applications, as they improve user experience and search engine optimisation. Using custom Artisan commands in Laravel 11.
- 6 months ago
Installing PHP on Windows
PHP is known to be one of the most commonly used server-side programming language on the web. It provides an easy to master with a simple learning curve. It has close ties with the MySQL database.
- 3 years ago
Predicting per capita income of the US using linear regression
Python enables us to predict and analyze any given data using Linear regression. Linear Regression is one of the basic machine learning or statistical techniques created to solve complex problems.
- 4 years ago
How to get data from twitter using Tweepy in Python?
To start working on Python you need to have Python installed on your PC. If you haven’t installed python. Go to the Python website and get it installed.
- 4 years ago
Essential Sorting Algorithms for Computer Science Students
Algorithms are commonly taught in Computer Science, Software Engineering subjects at your Bachelors or Masters. Some find it difficult to understand due to memorizing.
- 5 years ago
PHP Array Functions and their usage with examples
This tutorial is created to give an abstract idea about commonly used PHP array function with examples. Through this tutorial you’ll be able to know, how to use array functions to make code more short
- 5 years ago
PHP Program to remove empty or specific array elements
This tutorial is created to remove specific or empty (NULL) array elements from the array.
- 5 years ago
Connecting Multiple Databases in Laravel 5.8
This tutorial is created to implement multiple database connections using mysql. Let’s see how to configure multiple database connections in Laravel 5.8.
- 5 years ago
Simple PHP MySQL CRUD Application
PHP is widely used by many developers today and it’s one of the easiest language to learn. This tutorial will help you to learn the basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
- 5 years ago
Clearing Route, View, Config Cache in Laravel 5.8
Sometimes you may face an issue that the changes to the Laravel Project may not update on the web. This occures when the application is served by the cache. In this tutorial, You’ll learn to Clear App
- 5 years ago