How to install WordPress with Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04

In this tutorial you'll learn to set up WordPress the most popular CMS (content management system) on ubuntu 18.04. Please Note :In order to complete this tutorial, You probably have installed Nginx, MySQL, and PHP already on your Ubuntu 18.04.If you haven't installed them already then refer Install PHP, MYSQL and PHPMyAdmin to configure them before installing Wordpress. Configure Nginx Open up the Nginx configuration file using the following command. nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default…

How to create a new user & configure a firewall on Ubuntu 18.04

This tutorial will guide you to set up a new user and to configure the firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04. First, log into your Ubuntu as root user and then go to your SSH or Ubuntu terminal. Adding a new user Add the user by using adduser command as shown below. Use any preferred name you like after adduser command and you will be asked to create and verify a password for the…

Installing Nginx, PHP, MySQL and PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu 18.04

This tutorial is created to set up Nginx and PHPMyAdmin along with PHP 7.4 on ubuntu 18.04 with simple and easy steps. Update via the command line Before beginning the whole set up process make sure you're at the command line and type the following commands. sudo apt update  Install NGINX Now let's install NGINX and check whether it's running or not. sudo apt install nginx -y systemctl status nginx…